marți, 21 iulie 2009

Toti sunteti ciupiti de molii...

Exista o explicatie :))) Nu sunt chiar nebuna, desigur.

Mai tineti minte filmul (To Kill a Mockingbird, un clasic, eu l-am vazut in copilarie sau tinerete, cu siguranta) in care cele doua babutze (ca sa nu zic hoaste batrine), la proces, spuneau: Toti sunteti ciupiti de molii in afara de noi doua!

Ei bine, de multe ori am avut senzatia asta... ca sunt pe dos, ca nu ma integrez, ca probabil e ceva in neregula cu mine :))) Nu eram foarte departe de adevar.

Mi-am facut un test de personalitate pe care vi-l recomand cu cladura. Dupa ce am raspuns la o serie de intrebari.. deh, stiti si voi cum sta treaba cu testele de personalitate, mi-a iesit ca sunt tipul: INTJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking, Judicious). The nickname for this Type is "Scientist" or "Strategist" and it is shared by approximately 1% of the population. Thus, 99% of those you meet perceive the world around them differently from the way you do.

Acestea fiind zise, nu e de mirare ca ma simt aiurea, sau ca altii ma vad aiurea :))) M-am mai linistit... pentru ca exista o explicatie, nu pentru ca imi place explicatia. Cred ca si Hitler era in aceasta categorie... hmm...

Si pentru cine e interesat ce zice testul asta despre acest tip de personalitate... iata... e lung, e in engleza.. n-am apucat nici eu sa citesc tot :)))

Personality Type

Inventive - inspired - persistent - creative - imaginative and determined - all words that aptly describe an INTJ.

More than any other Personality Type, you live in a world of pure ideas, a sea of concepts and associations so unique to your mind that no one else may share your vision. You are a confident and original thinker. You believe in yourself so strongly that you do not need the consent or understanding from others to carry on. Some of history's greatest inventors and researchers have shared your kind of patient and certain trust in their own ideas.

You focus on the possible, develop plans to bring your ideas into practice and pour all your energy into achieving your goal, regardless of obstacles that may get in the way. In fact, you ignore the obstacles. Of all the Personality Types, yours is the most doggedly individualistic. You tend to be a loner, quite introspective and inattentive to the inability of those who don’t understand your ideas to keep up with you, or the critiques of others who do not share your visions. In many ways, you do not even expect the majority of the world to comprehend you, and you tend to not bother with being understood.

Your Intuiting function provides you a multitude of ideas, your Thinking function create the logical base for implementing them, and your Judicious function provides the fuel to finish the job. But once all of the problems have been solved, you’ll notice your Intuiting function quickly becomes burned out and needs a rest. As a result, you will find the greatest satisfaction in a position that allows you to move from one project to another as you turn you talents to the next invention or re-design. No matter what your field of work, you are clearly going to approach projects creatively as an inventor, designer, architect, who can easily create, revamp and improve upon large-scale projects.

Along with other Intuiting-Thinking types, your motto could easily be: "The difficult I do immediately; the impossible only takes a little longer." Usually, INTJs are so strong in their beliefs, they can easily filter out unwanted information. But when evidence begins collecting that your idea may be headed down the wrong path, you would be wise to be open to revising your thoughts, and maybe consider different approaches to your problem. Of course, the challenge then becomes holding onto your energy and resolution to the project while gathering the feedback, ideas and advice of peers, friends and family.

On the other hand, you are good at filtering out extraneous information so that you can focus on the critical issues to formulate plans, settle conflicts and wrap up deals with a minimum of delay. But you might also restrict the flow of information too closely to what you consider to be "the essentials." By doing so, you can commit yourself too early to a solution.
Once you have chosen a course of action, it may be impossible for you to interfere with your own plans, to shift gears, or to interrupt one project for another more urgent one. After you have already set your sights on an objective, you can easily fail to notice new things that need to be done.

In love with learning and fascinated by the very concept of intelligence, you have an inner drive for performance and you continually strive for self-improvement. You do tend to set high standards for yourself, keeping a mental list of topics you ought to learn, complete and master. Ironically, this achieving attitude may often leave you feeling unfulfilled or even inadequate when judged by your high personal standards. Since Thinking-Intuiting types tend to measure their own value by a yardstick of accomplishment, and since there is always more to know and do, you periodically feel pangs of imperfection, even if they are unwarranted. You could learn to give yourself more of a break.

When working on a project, you pay attention to most details and you are rather cautious in drawing conclusions. Therefore, it is no wonder that when people make lavish statements when referring to your accomplishments, you feel somewhat uncomfortable.

You do not mind working long hours on a project without a break, and you take pride and interest in your job, especially if you remain in touch with the ideas behind your assignments. You are totally in your element when the work is challenging and original. Because you get so inspired and excited, you often work with an energy level that is awesome to behold. In fact, it may even be hard for you to stop and rest until the project, or a significant element of the project, is done. It does not matter if the task is new or you are required to learn a new skill or topic. You will master it all and always find the time to tackle the most difficult task or complex problem.

Your Introverted nature needs peace to work most comfortably. Whatever the job, you spend time thinking before acting, tending to enjoy work which gives you ample time for contemplation. You often prefer to work alone, not because you do not like people, but because most people, intellectually, cannot keep up with you and it takes too much time for you to explain it all. In fact, you would be content if you never had to answer the phone, go to a meeting or be interrupted in your train of thought.

So completely absorbed do you become in your work, that it is often painful to be roused from your thoughts or torn from your creative process by the interruptions of others. You may even find it difficult during those times to gather your thoughts together well enough to talk fluently or quickly match names to faces. Your mind is going a thousand different directions, on the verge of your next realisation, and it is hard to snap back to reality sometimes.

Because of your strong Thinking nature, you may at times be viewed by others as unemotional- both unaware of and uninterested in people's feelings. It is certainly not that you wish to be unkind, but where work is concerned, you are inclined to make decisions on an impersonal and more logical basis.

The dilemma of interpersonal relationships for Introverting-Intuiting-Thinking types, is their tendency to not recognise the needs of others for sentiment, appreciation, support and sympathy. This is easy to understand. As a loner, you tend to not need as much emotional qualities as others. Living in the world of the intellectual, you tend to operate first in a more objective environment, and it may be hard for you to imagine how important emotions, appreciation and support are to others.

The upside is that it is easier for you than for other types to reprimand or fire an employee when necessary, without feeling recrimination or guilt. The downside is that others may tend to view you as unfeeling, which is surely not the case. You do have feelings, and you can be deeply wounded. But you simply do not show them as readily as other types.

You may be aware that such impersonal behaviour negatively affects more Feeling types of people. But you also recognise that separating your personal views from your work is an important ability to maintain if you are to succeed in highly competitive career fields. You simply and logically ask to be treated fairly and justly.

Overall, however, because of your Introverting tendencies, you will end up investing the bulk of your energy and devotion in only a few close people. For you, friendship is measured by depth and longevity, rather than by having a vast number of acquaintances. Friendships for you can last decades, even if there has been little contact over the years. A friend is a friend is a friend, and when in need, you will be there. Yours are quiet, intense, devoted friendships.

Pay attention to careers that are both creative, intellectually stimulating and challenging. Finding a career populated by other Intuiting types is important so that you will feel less isolated and will have people around you who can understand you because they are similar to you. But remember, you also need co-workers of other Personality Types who will attend more to the concrete facts, figures, metrics and details you sometimes do not consider.

An INTJ is often thought of as a pure theoriser, but you also love to apply your models to real projects. Whether or not the work you choose is in the field of science, your mode of thought in any profession will be scientific in nature.

Contributions to an Organisation

Each of the sixteen personality types has their own styles, strengths and blind spots. The following items are the more obvious skills and talents you bring to an organisation, group or relationship. These are your strengths. Strengths often can turn into weaknesses if over-used and over-relied upon. But used well, these strengths and talents can contribute to your success in career and relationships.

Has faith in his/her own inner vision which, coupled with sheer willpower, moves mountains.
Is emphatically determined to accomplish goals and master new skills.
Produces original thinking and is a high achiever.
Excels at analysis, categorising and developing strategies with accuracy and precision.
Enjoys working in an environment where there is freedom to design future plans and visions.
Brings to projects powerful conceptual skills, creatively synthesising parts into new designs.
Works industriously to accomplish what is important to him/her.
Is a master of ideas, systems and designing and building new models.
Designs and implements plans for the most efficient and effective use of an organisation’s resources.
Is brilliantly and boldly innovative in thought and action.
Tackles projects with determination, persistence, dedication, conviction and tenacity.
Conforms to personal standards, not those set by another individual or an organisation.
Uses enormous energy to transfer his/her paper designs into working reality.
Is organised and meets goals for projects that matter to him/her.
Sets sights on the big picture and long-term goals.
Prefers working alone; rarely consults with others; needs time to think and enjoys privacy.
Focuses on tasks and transforming creative, innovative ideas into practical use and definable action plans.
Is unafraid of change and complex problems.
Is efficient, planful, loyal and focused on tasks.

Leadership Style

Each personality type has its own leadership style, strengths and blind spots. The following highlights your approach to leadership, provides clues as to how you will act in a leader role, and pinpoints some of your leadership qualities.

Is forceful and decisive in leadership roles.
Is oriented more toward tasks than relationships.
Leads by applying potent ideas and convictions while also keeping everyone on course.
Provides focus by helping to define, determine and accomplish a stated purpose.
Prefers to work alone, often not communicating or involving others in plans.
Enjoys designing models and building systems to achieve results.
Moves quickly in a crisis once all the pieces of the puzzle are in place.
Is unafraid to completely overhaul the entire organisation if necessary.
Expects and counts on people to carry out their part of the plan.
Desires efficient, loyal and focused workers.
Can easily be tough-minded, driving followers to bring projects into reality.
Can become so totally absorbed in a task that he/she might not respond to anything else.
Bases authority on competence, not on assigned titles or length of employment.
Expects to be followed, not questioned.

Communication Style

Effective communication is composed of two elements: how well you listen, and how you express yourself. Good communication skills are at the heart of success. Being aware of how we communicate, how others communicate and how we prefer others to communicate with us, is a significant step in achieving this objective. Your personality style has its own communication strategies that are more effective for you than other’s communication styles.

Rarely reveals energy and excitement, which are self-contained.
Prefers to think before replying and needs to be drawn out.
Prefers written reports to talking in person.
Likes brevity, succinctness, objectivity and mental exactness.
Is direct and to the point, becoming impatient with extraneous details.
Likes insights and unusual approaches.
Detests redundancy and continually hesitates to state what he/she thinks is obvious; sees giving praise as redundant and obvious, therefore, does so infrequently.
Communicates only those elements deemed essential, often leaving others in the dark.
Likes addressing schedules and deadlines.
Is persuaded through cool, logical analysis.
Persuades others through clear thinking, logic, suggestions and debate.
Sees the big picture and presents that first.
Speaks of targets and destinations, focusing on results and accomplishments.
Enjoys discussing future challenges.

Problem Solving Style

Different people solve problems in different ways. Based on your personality type, you will probably use the following methods and skills in problem solving:
Makes decisions quickly.

Relies on logic and trusts his/her analytic abilities.
May incessantly question "why" and "how come" while challenging the standard order of things.
Considers other situations similar to the problem at hand.
Looks for innovative answers.
Maps the foreseeable outcomes of each and every possibility.
Collects all the facts and asks what the compiled information implies.
Charts the cost of each possible solution.
Wonders if there are other ways to seek solutions.
Looks first at the big picture, next applies logic, then considers people and finally looks at the facts.

Stress Profile

Stress plays a significant factor in our abilities to be effective at work and have healthy sustainable relationships. The greater the stress, the harder it becomes to maintain quality work and quality relationships. Each personality type has strengths and blind spots. Under stress, blind spots emerge and people rely on their least favourite functions to operate. Below are a few clues as to how stress affects your particular personality type (Note: you and one other type have matching patterns in manifesting and managing stress, so you may find someone with an almost identical profile).

Having to work with many unfamiliar details where they may feel incompetent.
Feeling overcome by volumes of new data and being unable to understand or process it all.
The sudden and unanticipated interruption of planned activities.
Excessive interactions with others over an extended period without enough time to recharge.

Starts to lose their global perspective and ability to see the big picture, becoming short-sighted and locked in tunnel vision.
Becomes obsessed and overwhelmed by facts, data, details and minutia, making factual errors and mistakes.
May experience mental fatigue and an inability to think clearly.
Tries to control everything in the immediate environment, becoming intense and driven.
Grows restless, frustrated and self-critical.
Desires to be left alone, becoming intolerant of other’s intrusions.
Finds it difficult to communicate with people, having little energy to do so.
Turns worried and alarmed about the present.
Constantly expects obstacles and problems to plague them.
Overindulges in sensual pleasures, often overeating, exercising or sleeping, binge shopping, and marathon sessions with the TV or pulp fiction.
May also obsessively clean the house, rearrange furniture, or organise records, cabinets or closets.

Gaining Equilibrium
Being listened to without advice, insights or judgement being offered.
Realising they are hurting or distressing others.
Exercising, reading, walking in nature, seeing a movie, or low-pressure gardening, hobby or craft.
Being in peaceful, quiet natural surroundings, and getting a good night’s sleep.
Canceling activities and paring down their schedule, carving out time for solitude.
Using Thinking abilities to create a plan for completing a project.
Gentle humour.


Adapting better to change.
Retooling ambitious visions into manageable and do-able chunks.
Creating more satisfying sensual experiences.


People are usually most effective when their environment matches their preferences and work style. When a good match is not present, it will be more difficult to achieve results. Below are some of your work preferences and key characteristics that you look for in work, or that you try to avoid. These key characteristics also indicate how you would typically like to be managed or related to. If you find these comments of value, it might be very worthwhile to share and discuss this section with your manager.

Enjoys working with other self-reliant individuals.
Appreciates long-term projects.
Likes to design and effectively implement efficient strategies.
Likes structure and order, values few meetings and wants plenty of time for introspection.
Requires lots of autonomy- does not appreciate being controlled, being told how to work or being hampered by overly cautious associates.
Desires the freedom to plan, design and generate innovative models and systems.
Tries to avoid surprises.
Sets high standards that are usually his/her own, not those of the organisation.
Dislikes bureaucracy, protocol and paperwork when solving problems- is not the organisational type.
Finds the ambiguous exciting and enjoys striving for clarity.

On a Team

Some people work well on teams, others work best on their own. Understanding the personality types of team members provides information about how individuals are likely to carry out their work and interact with each other. Given your personality preferences, the following are the strengths and possible blind spots you will most likely bring to a team:

Participates, but in his/her own reserved style.
Asks thoughtful and searching questions.
Systematically schedules and completes tasks on time.
Can be a team player if doing so will get the job done.
Analyses the alternatives and offers new perspectives.
Synthesises and organises concepts, approaches and tasks and presents a thought-out, compelling vision which enrols others.
Can provide long-term strategy and vision.
Needs to share responsibilities and allow other team members to give input.
Needs to modify critical comments to diminish team resistance.
Irritates others by periodically being single-minded in completing a task or project.
Is annoyed by team members who do not complete tasks.
Becomes angered by others who are disrespectful of his/her own ideas or questions.
Is irritated by team members who are slow to grasp information.

Learning Style

For many years it has been known that different personality types have different ways of learning. Knowing how a person learns is a big advantage for structuring on-the-job training or classroom instruction. Once again, you may find this section valuable to share with your manager. Your learning style is as follows:

Is a passionate, independent and resourceful learner.
Enjoys having the time and liberty to become totally absorbed in a topic of interest.
Is bored by rote memorisation and drills.
Likes focusing on systems, theories and concepts regarding universal truths, always with an eye toward the future.
Likes to develop and organise models explaining how something works, usually through a combination of surveying vast sources and deep introspection.
Prefers being challenged, particularly by instructors or facilitators he/she respects; avoids learning situations where teaching is not of the highest calibre.
Learns best when offered the freedom to map his/her own personal, creative approach to a subject.

Opportunities for Growth

As we have said before, each person has his or her strengths and blind spots. Sometimes strengths are over-used and become blind spots. We tend to simply ignore other modes of being as we rely on our favourite preferences. When our strengths are over used, they can become our only tools, possibly becoming irritants to others, or blocking out other possibilities and choices that we may have when responding to situations. As we grow and mature, it is important to pull back from our favourite ways of doing things and build skills in the areas of our least favourite preferences. We thereby become a more balanced and versatile individual. The following suggestions address some of your more obvious blind spots and are areas to pay attention to if they have been ignored up to this point:

Develop your social skills because the extent to which Introverted-Intuitives succeed in life is often related to how well you accomplish this.
Notice things that people are doing right before you point out their mistakes; make a concerted effort to compliment the accomplishments of others.
Focus on how you are affecting others- since you typically are unconcerned with what others think, you may ignore the impact you have on others, tending to alienate them.
Sharpen your awareness about how others may have different needs, motivations, attitudes and viewpoints since not everyone lives in your reality.
Be sensitive to others' feelings, ideas and imperfections.
Ask for feedback from others; sometimes you become so caught up in your own thoughts and determination to complete projects that you disregard the actual realities of a situation.
Strive for greater flexibility and openness.
Attempt to develop greater discernment between workable and non-workable ideas.
Learn to bring others into your projects, ideas and designs so you do not miss out on important facts, information and perspectives- plus others need to know what you are doing.
Actively solicit input since others may feel intimidated and be hesitant to approach you.
Learn to give and receive constructive evaluation- your suggestions can often look like criticism.
Practice delegating, since your need to control all situations can hinder your effectiveness.
Learn to master the more concrete and routine details even though it is much more fun for you to be in the theoretical and abstract world.

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

asta e testul Meyers-Bricks (cred ca am scris bine) pe care l-am dat la birou deja de 2 ori.
initial mi s-a parut o mizerie, da cica n-ar fi chiar asa.
e un test care se bazeaza pe preferinte, motv pentru care fiecare are nativ un tip de personalitate, dar in functie de mediul in care esti educat si de circumstante, tipul de personalitate se poate schimba. si daca stii ce tip esti, si vrei/ai nevoie sa-ti dezvolti anumite chestii, poti sa "lucrezi" sa-ti schimbi preferintele.... in fine.... adica nativ poti fi "thinking" dar poti la un moment dat sa devii "feeling".
nu stiu daca e relevant, da io sunt INTJ si inca nu mi-am dat seama daca e rau sau bine:)
si e interesant ca am facut testul de 2 ori, la interval de vreo 2-3 ani, si desi nu mi-am schimbat tipul de personalitate, procentele in care mi-am "demonstrat" preferintele s-au modificat de la un test de altul... interesant.
io zic sa mai dai testul cam in 2-3 ani:)

Anonim spunea...

nu-ti fa griji,post-ul ma descrie aproape perfect. pana adunam de un 1 % mai e :)